Saturday, January 30, 2010

I was just thinking...

Today is a thought-filled day. I often have a lot of thoughts, but today I decided to write them down:

Thank you Jack for snoozing in the bouncer long enough for me to take a shower.
French presses are under-appreciated for their caffeine accountability.
My husband gave me the best compliment/simile ever this morning! He said the pancakes I made were as good as Jack is cute.
Need a good ab work out? When in the car, lean the seat slightly farther back than you need it. Concentrate on sitting up straight and keeping your middle section tight. This works best in the passenger seat on curvy roads.
Should we sell our truck before we move to Albuquerque? What if…
I can't believe Jack is already 3 months old!
I enjoy the irony of “feeling the burn” when manually mixing cookie dough.
Ryan took me dancing last night and it was one of the best dates we have had in a long time! (Thanks Granna & Pops for babysitting.) We genuinely laughed and had a wonderful time spinning around the dance floor. Dancing for us is sacred. It is how we met, what brought us closer together, and some of our best conversations have been while we were dancing. I hope we will be that old couple, still in boots, holding each other close, not complaining because we don’t know the music, just enjoying our lifelong pastime.
I highly recommend this couples’ hobby even if that means you start out taking a dance class together. If you are ever interested in joining us, just say so!
How can I get my class’ attention? Discipline? Incentives? I am going to make a survey for them with options to circle their top 3 favorite rewards. What are some good options?
Thank you Jack for playing contently so I could get caught up on ALL the laundry!
I would really like to take Jack for a walk. We’ve been walking to train for the bear-a-thon, a half marathon race that I am planning to walk with some teacher friends in March. The only problem is the warmest part of the day would be now and it is 34 and wet.
What is the best question to ask a couple entering marriage?
The following thoughts are heavy lyrics by Derek Webb:
don't teach me about politics and government
just tell me who to vote for
don't teach me about truth and beauty
just label my music
don't teach me about moderation and liberty
I prefer a shot of grape juice

I want a new law
there are two great lies that I’ve heard:
“the day you eat of the fruit of that tree, you will not surely die”
and that Jesus Christ was a white, middle-class republican
and if you wanna be saved you have to learn to be like Him
peace by way of war is like purity by way of fornication

it’s like telling someone murder is wrong
and then showing them by way of execution
are we defending life
when we just pick and choose
lives acceptable to lose
and which ones to defend

‘cause you cannot choose your friends
but you choose your enemies
and what if they were one
one and the same

love is not against the law
It has been a long time since I listened to this album, “Mocking Bird”, which has been one of my favorite CDs since college. Each time I listen to it, I forget how painful it is to be reminded how legalistic we Christians can be. Needless to say, his words leave you with more than enough to think about.
What should I cook this week? When am I going to the grocery store?
Thank you Jack for your smiles today.
Thank you Lord for my family: Ryan and Jack. My heart is full for them.

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