Thursday, June 23, 2011

Re-learn, Un-learn, Pray, Go?

Notes from the Pastor…

The hand of the Lord was with the [Greek missionaries in Antioch], and a great number became believers and turned to the Lord.  News of this came to the ears of the church in Jerusalem, and they sent Barnabas to Antioch.  When he came and  saw the grace of God, he rejoiced…” (Acts 11:21-23)

The face of “Christianity” in the last century has changed from fair-skinned AngloEuropean to dark-skinned African, South/Central American, and Asian.  Penn State historian, Philip Jenkins says, “In 1900 Europe was home to two-thirds of the worlds Christian population; today, the figure is less than a quarter, and by 2025 it will fall below 20 percent.”  If current trends in birth rates and religious conversions stay the same, then by 2025 there will be about 2.6 billion Christians, with 595 million in Africa, 623 million in Latin America, and 498 million in Asia.  Given these statistics, I believe you and I can rejoice that the hand of the Lord is with our fellow believers in Mbandaka, Lima, and Chennai.

Even so, we in the West need not stand on the side lines cheering, and recalling the good ol’ days when we were in the game.  Instead, First Christian Church and the Tres Rios Area of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) have the opportunity to practice our faith with believers of the growing Church of the global south. In such practice we will re-learn things we have forgotten, and even un-learn things we have taken for granted.  There will be a time when we send our Barnabas to Mbandaka, and there may come a time where a Barnabas is sent from Mbandaka to Ruidoso.

But the first step for such partnership comes with education.  Therefore, please come, this Saturday, June 25th, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. (lunch provided) and learn from our guest the Rev. David Owen. Hear how a partnering relationship with the Church in the Congo involves you!  Enter the conversation, and become aflame with the possibilities of friendship!

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. (African Proverb)

Pastor Ryan

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