Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Notes from the Pastor…

Most scholars agree that the Psalms were compiled over decades and centuries.  Much like our modern hymnals, with songs dated through all of Christian history, the Psalms were not written by one author, nor through one experience.  Nonetheless, there are themes that weave through the Psalms like a single thread in a tapestry.

One theme is God’s revelation of God-self through nature.  We hear it exclusively in Psalm 19:1
The heavens are telling the glory of God; and the atmosphere proclaims his handiwork.

In recent days, as our neighbor forest has reopened, many of us have escaped to the hills and its 531 species of plants and animals.  As it was for those who settled this area for cattle production, and for those who came before the ranchers, the Sacramento Mountains provide endless adventure and a constant reminder of the Creator.For me, entering the forest is like entering eternal Sabbath.  This is an image I borrow from poet and author Wendell Berry, who in his anthology of “Sabbath Poems,” (Titled:  A Timbered Choir) he offers this rhyme:
What do the tall trees say
To the late havocs in the sky?
They sigh.
The air moves, and they sway.
When the breeze on the hill 
Is still, then they stand still.
They wait.
They have no fear. Their fate
Is faith. Birdsong
Is all they’ve wanted, all along.
As we are able, may we escape to the adjacent reminder of creation’s song.  May we learn from its quiet faith how to handle life’s stress.  And may we echo the tall trees’ testimony, yearning for Creator and Spirit.  Amen.

Pastor Ryan

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