Thursday, January 19, 2012

What we most need is prayer!

Notes from the Pastor...

The Design of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) begins with an affirmation of faith of the church throughout all ages; afterwards, we find these words:

Within the whole family of God on earth, the church appears wherever believers in Jesus Christ are gathered in his name.  Transcending all barriers within the human family such as race and culture … All dominion in the church belongs to Jesus Christ, its Lord and head, and any exercise of authority in the church on earth stands under his judgment.

These words are a powerful force in the narrative of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) tradition.  Through these words we promote a bold humility toward our beliefs and practice; knowing that the Church of Jesus Christ is found in varied structures, sizes, cultures, and disciplines.  Yet, like the disciples of old, we often dispute over “who is the greatest.” (Mark 9:34)  Jesus’ reaction to self-promotion is quite clear: “Whoever wants to be first must be last of all and servant of all.” (Mark 9:35)  It is difficult to look on someone whose values and beliefs about Jesus differ and say, “You are my brother; you are my sister in

In fact, it is so difficult that throughout history we have resorted to violence rather than mutual respect.  The segregated hour of Sunday between 10:00 and 11:00 am is not only limited to racial divisions. Likewise, we are segregated by generations, socioeconomics, and ideas.  In the midst of our divisive practice of denominational Christianity we are reminded that we are called to a bold humility; to be “servants of all”.
For you and I to be promoters and practitioners of Christian unity, what you and I need most is prayer!

Therefore, this Wednesday, please join with Christians around the world, who in different languages and traditions will pray for Christian Unity.  By way of joint venture, the World Council of Church and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity in the Catholic Church have selected 1 Corinthians 15:51-58 to guide our collective prayers.  Please join in!
Find out more at: under: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.

Pastor Ryan

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