Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A wise one once said...

Notes from the Pastor...

On Sunday, January 1, 2012, I ended my sermon with a New Year’s hope for our congregation.  Emily Dickenson said, “Hope is a thing with feathers.”  Sometimes when we stand back and look at the state of the economy, of politics, of world affairs and the lack of humanitarian resources, it is easy to let go of hope; to avail ourselves to saturating despair.  Then again, when we engage with others, looking our neighbors in the eyes and listening to their story with our hearts, it becomes easy to hold to smaller  -- individual 
hopes of reconciliation, redemption, and relief.  

Twentieth century American poet Harry Kemp says, “The poor man is not he who is without a cent, but he who is without a dream.”  As I look into 2012, I find myself dreaming, but unlike childhood fantasies, my dreams are small and relationship oriented; they have feathers.  After all, someone much wiser than I once said, “We can do no big things, only small things that make a big difference in someone’s life.”  How will you 
make a difference in the life of your neighbor in 2012?  In 2012 how will you be Christ to your son, your daughter, your sister, your brother?  How will you engage in intentional, life-changing relationships in 2012?

My New Year’s hope for you comes from Luke 2:22-35 and it is that:

You would come to realize the true and ever-challenging identity of Jesus.  That your narrative would be formed by the heritage of the One who brings salvation to all peoples, the One who is the light of revelation, and the One who is the glory to his people; simply said:

In 2012 may a Sword pierce your soul too.

Pastor Ryan

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