Thursday, March 8, 2012

Not up, DOWN!

Last week was a big deal for our growing family. I have been counting UP to track our baby girl's age and growth but last week when the weeks until our due date turned into a single digit, I started counting DOWN! We are now down to 8 and she could always surprise us. Jack was early so it's hard to not think she will be too, but whenever she decides to come is fine by us. Her dad has one request; he has asked her to please wait until after Easter : )

The double meaning in the title of this post is all about her position. When we were in the hospital during the hours between the start of contractions and the sound of our son's first cry, we were as set on natural birth as any expectant new parent (meaning we expected to be in control of the situation). We learned quite late in the labor process that Jack was breech and a C-section was needed right away before he got stuck in the birth canal. As my first surgery (besides my tonsils 20 years prior) this thought scarred me but it was my first lesson in parenting, that things don't always go as planned. The first of many decisions that I thought I had the right to make that I found out may not be in my power to control. 
That said, our daughter is NOT breech! She is in the position necessary for a natural birth. I am hopeful this will be possible this time and I am wiser and more prepared for the possibilities.

We can't wait to meet you Ellie and we hope we will have a middle name picked out for you by the time you decide you are ready to meet us!

1 comment:

Andrea C. said...

You look fabulous and I can't wait to see pictures of Ellie. Love the name btw!