Wednesday, February 11, 2009


This is my best friend, former roommate, matron of honor, and cousin by marriage Michon. Obviously, I love her very much. I don't get to see her nearly us often as I wish, but sometimes we have rare moments where the planets align and our schedules allow us to be available at the same time to talk on the phone. One of the things I love about Michon is her ability to share with people in an incredibly applicable way that just makes sense. My example of this is my inspiration for this thought.

We always discuss our busy lives and catch each other up when we talk and last time, Michon- without even meaning to be clever- said something very profound. She was telling me about her husband (my cousin whom I also love) and how he is working full-time and going to school full-time making some days very long. However, after explaining this, she agreed this is hard but then continued with how well he is doing spiritually, physically, and staying organized vs. when he has too much time on his hands.

Michon's observation has kept me thinking the last few days, because I realize how true this is for me as well. You would think that having plenty of time on your hands would be optimal above being driven by the monster planner. And yet, I feel equipped to analyze myself (since I have a minor in psychology) and would attest to a personality type to blame for the social butterfly chip that is burried deep inside me and finally admit I need to be around people. Even if that means I will be busy vs. solidly available. I still intensly believe that balance must exist, but as I continue to learn about myself as a believer and now a wife and next a teacher, I understand the value of the relationships in my life. I am so thankful for my husband, my family, my friends (local and abroad), and my job. Where would I be without it all?

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