Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Sacred Companions: Part I

A beautiful friend introduced me to this book. 
I am loving it! I have been a little spiritually slow lately; this book is reviving a direction in me that I have been wondering hopefully, looking for connection and companionship. 
In the preface, the reader is advised to take on this book with a pen ready to underline. I recommend this book to you, but I will also be sharing here on this blog my underlined portions. Although, it will be hard to not just copy and paste the entire chapters.

Chapter 1: The Transformational Journey

"The distant land to which we are called is not heaven. Nor is it some external, physical place. The distant land is the new creature into which Christ wishes to fashion us- the whole and holy person that finds his or her uniqueness, identity and calling in Christ." (p. 26)

"God doesn't want me to become more loving. He wants me to absorb his love so that it flows out from me." (p. 34)

"Thomas Merton reminds us that the root of Christian love is not the will to love but the faith to believe that one is deeply loved by God." (p. 34)

"The goal of the Christian spiritual journey is not to become less human and more divine; it is to become more fully human. Salvation in not to rescue us from our humanity; it is to redeem our humanity." (p. 35)

"Spirituality is the response of spirit to Spirit." (p. 42)

*If you have ever read this book, please feel free to leave your favorite quotes as comments! I would love to see what spoke to you in each of the chapters.

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