Monday, February 28, 2011

Sacred Companions: Part III

This chapter felt a little long for me, but I am no quitter. Actually, that's not true. It's embarrassing how many books I have started and not finished. I am trying to do better and I am so thankful to be reading this book WITH a dear friend. If it were not for her, I may not have as much perseverance. Yet another reason why "sacred companions" do so much for our souls. I highly recommend reading this book with a friend so you can discuss it together, not to mention the encouragement received just from knowing you are not alone, even in something as small as story time.

Chapter 3: The Ideals of Spiritual Friendship

"The principal reason friendship is so undervalued is probably that too few people have ever experienced a significant, enduring friendship." (p. 61)

"Love. Friendships involve a bond of love, never simply an obligation of love." (p. 65)

(From C.S. Lewis) "...those who are going nowhere can have no fellow travelers." (p. 66)

"Honesty... It confronts illusions and dares to risk temporary discomfort by calling us to truth." (p. 69)

"Love cannot ignore things that are self-destructive in the loved one." (p. 70)

"... honesty is not just something friends try to practice. It is also something they delight in experiencing." (p. 71)

"... friendships do not tend to remain static. They evolve or devolve- grow or shrink." (p. 73)

This last one was hard for me because I know it's true. I want to remain close to everyone I care about. But how can that be? It's one thing to "keep in touch" through email and facebook, but to hold close friendships with everyone I have ever cared about would take away time I give to being a wife and mother. I have recognized different kinds of friendships in my life:
- My closest friends- we remain involved in each other's present lives,
- My close past friends who I treasure our memories together yet that was then and no longer do we hold the friendship,
- My close past friends that we can pick up where we left off in the few and far between sparks of our busy lives that allow us the relive our friendship in the very moment.

I am thankful for each of these relationships in their own special way.

*If you have ever read this book, please feel free to leave your favorite quotes as comments! I would love to see what spoke to you in each of the chapters.

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