Friday, April 8, 2011

Tougher laws against human trafficking in final stages for Texas

The following information is copied and pasted from this website. The enlarged and bolded print is my personal addition in order to draw as much attention as possible to the quote. A huge thank you to the law makers who believe this is necessary!

Tougher laws against human trafficking
in final stages for Texas

A new bill proposed by Senator Van de Putte, D-San Antonio, is in the final stages of becoming law. The last stage of Senate Bill 24 which passed in Congress, the House and is moving on to Gov. Rick Perry for his signature. If the bill becomes law it will be a loud and clear message that Texas does not tolerate slavery.
What the bill will mean for Texas. Tougher law around domestic sex trafficking and compelling prostitution. Accountability for people that benefit from trafficking which would include third parties who profit from trafficking. Mandatory for traffickers to register as sex offender. Terminating the parental rights if the parent trafficked their child. 
The bill was co-sponsored by Rep. Thompson who has filed HB 7 that will help end human trafficking in Texas. This bill is in the beginning stages and would establish punishment, and certain criminal and civil consequences of offenses related to the trafficking of persons and protections for victims of those offenses.
Gov. Rick Perry released a statement April 7  "Human trafficking is a deplorable and growing practice in Texas and across the nation. I commend Sen. Van de Putte and Rep. Thompson for their continued work on this issue, and applaud the House and Senate for passing this measure, which sends a strong message that we will not tolerate human trafficking in Texas. I look forward to seeing this important legislation reach my desk, and hope HB 3000 and SB 1436, which increase penalties for those who participate in this insidious activity, will soon follow."
Gov. Rick Perry has given a positive response to SB 24 and it seems that Texas will be one of the more progressive states in the fight against human trafficking. Putting this bill into law will be a major victory in the fight against slavery. A study done by Dallas Women's Foundation revealed that 250 under-age girls were trafficked in one month in North Texas. Hopefully, new laws in the state of Texas will be a deterrent and protect children from this horrible form of trafficking.

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