Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Sacred Companions: Part IV

Spiritual Direction

I first heard this term in college when a mentor referred to having an appointment with their spiritual director. I was mystified. I had never heard of such an appointment, much less such a person. This chapter is incredibly helpful if you have never heard of spiritual direction, or if you just want to know more about what it is. On the first page of the chapter, David Benner refers to spiritual direction saying, "it is highly relevant to every Christian who takes the spiritual journey seriously." 

If this strikes you as hard as it did me, I suggest reading this book to learn more about spiritual direction (which does not necessarily have to be with a professional).

Chapter 4: Demystifying Spiritual Direction

"When Jesus promises that where two or more people are gathered in his name he is present with them, that means the conversation of two is actually a conversation of three." (p. 94)

"Attunement to God's presence is the core of prayer and the royal route to a deeper relationship with him." (p. 95)

"Self-absorbtion is the great enemy of attunement to God." (p. 96)

"... surrender to God's love is surrender to his will. Apart from a surrender to his love, obedience will remain an act of duty, never an expression of devotion." (p. 96)

"As creatures of a Creator God, we stand in relationship to him whether we ignore him, protest his unreality or surrender to his loving will and Spirit." (p. 105)

Other portions of this chapter are completely unquotable because the reader must see the stories in context. This chapter has given me a much more inclusive understanding of spiritual direction as well as real examples and ideas from people who are on the same journey that I myself seek.

*If you have ever read this book, please feel free to leave your favorite quotes as comments! I would love to see what spoke to you in each of the chapters.

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