Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Please Help

I have always loved kids. I have always loved church. Now I have a son and I am personally vested in the children of the church. I am hoping to gather ideas, personal experiences from you as a child or your child now, hopes, visions, etc. I am thinking about children in the church almost all the time lately and I welcome all thoughts on what you think is possible! In case I have still been too vague, here are some questions I am pondering. Feel free to answer them or add to them. I appreciate the help!

What can the church offer children?

How do children view church?

How do children participate in worship?

How do families worship together?

How do children contribute to worship?

How does church affect a child's life?

Is the church experience different for a child if a child comes with a family, part of a family, with a friend's family, or alone?

When it comes to children's ministry, in your experience what is tangible and affective?

What is most harmful to children in church?

*You do not have to be a parent or church attender to contribute your thoughts.

**All comments are automatically anonymous. If you are comfortable in me knowing who you are, please type your name at the end of your comment. I appreciate your feedback!


Anonymous said...

Wow, I have opinions on all those questions but, don't have time right now to comment on all.
My opinion is to have your child in church no matter if mom and dad come or not. There will be someone there that will say something or do something for that child that they will remember forever.
Depending on your denomination there are materials for childrens mininstry in most Christian book stores. And now on-line has lots of things to offer too.
I teach childrens church once a month, 4-6 yrs, the closer to 6 they get the more they obsorb, but, trust me, even 2 yr olds pick up things you teach them about God, through song and activities.
I am sure this is things you already know, but, lots of people will probably be more help than I am right now.

Anonymous said...

Children should be a great concern for the church. Jesus says in Matthew 19:14, "Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven." So church is important for children as well. The church should be a place where children feel loved, wanted, and to learn more about who Jesus is. But this should not be the only place that children learn about Jesus. The church needs to partner with parents. For in Deut 6:4-9 God commanded parents to be their child's primary growth in spiritual formation.

Good books on children's ministry...
Nurturing Children's spirituality by Allen; Perspectives on children's spiritual formation ed. by Anthony; Perspectives on family ministry ed. by Jones; Children Matter: Celebrating their place in the church, family, and community by Scottie May. If you would like a list of good parenting book, I have read many this year.

Melinda Tyler