Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Happy Anniversary to Us, FCC!

Notes from the pastor...

On Tuesday, November 15, 2011,  you and I celebrated a milestone:
we have been wedded as pastor and congregation for one year – Break out the frozen cake!

The following are my first year observations and corresponding 2012 goals (as a preacher all things must come in threes):
1. First Christian Church holds a  distinct place in the Ruidoso communities.  Our congregation is neither conservative nor liberal; we are disciples who affirm Christ in the conservative, the liberal, and everyone in-between.  Our membership is inclusive and open to anyone who confesses Jesus the Christ; yet we declare the Bible as normative, respect Church tradition, and are informed by the sciences.  We say, “You can be a person of your time and place and be a Disciple of Christ.”  I believe our distinct place is appealing to many in our community, most of our neighbors are tired of divisions, and many are seeking a community that affirms their spirit while partnering with the growth of the Spirit in their life.
My goal for 2012:  May we embrace, celebrate, and exercise our congregation as an open, inclusive, and Christ-centered community of faith.

2.  First Christian Church is a growing congregation.  I perceive three factors to our growth: a) the
continual invitation of friends and neighbors, b) a warm welcoming atmosphere, and c) focused worship
and teaching events.  The pastor can only truly affect the third factor; therefore, the growth we are experiencing is truly the work of God and your receptivity to the Spirit’s initiative.  I do not accept that our
growth is a result of my first year in this community; rather, I believe that you and I will continue to be
stewards of the Spirit – utilizing each one’s gifts to better proclaim our Christ in word and deed in the
Ruidoso communities.
My goal for 2012: May we actively participate in God’s movement within our community – being
Christ to our neighbors.

3. First Christian Church  lay leadership is mostly derived from the core surviving group of longtime members.  This is both good and bad; it exposes a deep commitment and love, and yet this small number is excessively expected to fulfill the current ministry model.  Nevertheless, over the past two years, our membership has grown to include devoted attendees with unspoken ideas of ministry.  I believe that we are entering a time calling for expanded lay leadership.  I fully expect that congregational initiative will drive First Christian Church into new models and ideas of ministry that work with our core strengths and facilitates change within our weaknesses.
My goal for 2012: May we empower our expanding leadership so they may lead us in reclaimed, recycled, and renewed avenues of ministry.

This article is both informative and invitational.  We must build First Christian Church in 2012 together.

Pastor Ryan

1 comment:

Ray Mosley said...

I really like the goals for the church for 2012 - continuing to lean on the experience while developing the next generation. Sounds like a great mentoring approach.