Wednesday, November 2, 2011

One Church in Ruidoso

Notes from the Pastor...

Dearly beloved, brethren, why should we deem it a thing incredible that the Church of Jesus Christ, in this country, should resume that original unity, peace, and purity which belong to its formation, and constitute its glory?
Thomas Campbell, Declaration and Address, 1809

In the early 1800’s, two men  – Barton W. Stone of Cane Ridge, Kentucky, and Alexander Campbell of Washington, Pennsylvania, independently came to the conclusion that people could and should put away all denominational creeds, read the Bible without prejudices, and come together in Christian unity.  The harmonious message became a rapidly growing movement, and by the year 1860 the fourth largest religious body in the United States.  The congregations were known as Churches of Christ, Disciples of Christ, and Christian Churches, and the terms were used interchangeably.

Sadly, the Civil War, and events between 1860 and 1930, splintered this unity movement into three distinct groups, and the three names come to define unique beliefs and practices for each of these groups.

Pastor John Duncan of Gateway Church of Christ and I, as Pastor of First Christian Church, with the support of our respective Elder boards, recognizing our common Christ and historical ties, will swap pulpits on Sunday, November 6.  Both Pastor John and I admit there are ideas, theologies, and practices that divide our two congregations; yet the things that divide are not greater than the One who unites! We affirm: There is one Church in Ruidoso, many congregations, but one Church.

I encourage you to worship with First Christian Church this Sunday; without hesitation, I assure you that Pastor John’s message to our congregation will, with the same breath, bless and challenge.  And if I find any of you at Gateway Church of Christ this Sunday, I will assume you are there to join Gateway in membership, and I will be the first to celebrate your congregational transfer.

May God bless his one Church in Ruidoso, and may our congregation embrace and be instruments of that blessing!

Pastor Ryan

1 comment:

Ray Mosley said...

That's a cool exchange. While I am not a fan of the one world church or one world faith, I agree with what Charles Swindoll said once. Swindoll quoted Savanarolla, but I can't remember the exact quote. The general thought was "In matters of doctrine, unity. When doctrine is unclear, liberty. But in all things, charity."