Wednesday, November 23, 2011

"Uh Oh!" gratitude

Notes from the Pastor...

The greatest saint in the world is not he who prays most or fasts most; it is not he who gives most alms, or is most eminent for temperance, chastity or justice.  It is he who is most thankful to God, and who has a heart always ready to praise God.  This is the perfection of all virtues.  Joy in God and thankfulness to God is the highest perfection of a divine and holy life.
- 17th century churchman, William Law

On Monday night, Jack said his first prayer all by himself.  Since he was just a baby, Kristyn and I have always said his night prayers, hoping to form within him a spiritual habit, and before he could talk we would provide our interpretation of his nightly thanksgiving; praying things like: “Dear Jesus, thank you for Mommy, Daddy, and my teddy bear.”  But last night, upon our prompting, Jack independently said,

“Dear Jesus, thank you, uh oh.”  

In a brief moment of parental wisdom, I took it as a learning opportunity, and replied, “Yes son, sometimes that’s how prayers go.”

At this time of year, when we adults are prompted to gratitude we often have so many “uh oh’s” that we fear uttering any prayer what so ever.  However, if my inspired son is correct, we need not delay in distress; we can hold both confession and gratitude in the same thought.  As Shakespeare asserts:

Poor soul!  God’s goodness hath been great to thee:
Let never day nor night unhallow’d pass,
But still  remember what the Lord hath done.
- Henry IV, Part II

and so…

Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the Earth.
… For the Lord is good;
       his steadfast love endures forever,
       and his faithfulness to all generations.
- Psalm 100

Pastor Ryan

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